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New member content moderation

Why aren't my photos appearing on the site? Why can't I post comments?

All new members enter a brief period where their photos are queued and reviewed by Photo Friday. This New Member Content Moderation phase helps reduce the chance that objectionable material will appear on the site. Members in Content Moderation cannot post comments.

How do I move out of Content Moderation?

Upload at least one photo that conforms to our Guide to sharing photos, then please wait while we review your submission(s). You can generally expect a response on the same day that you uploaded your photo.

Because you always have control over your photos, you can delete them at any time, but you must have at least one photo uploaded to be eligible to move out of Content Moderation. Marking the photo as "private" or "public" will not affect our ability to review it. If you've marked it "public", it will post to the site as soon as we move your account out of moderation.

You'll receive an email, copied to your private messages here on the site, letting you know once we've completed our review. Once you are out of Content Moderation, all photos uploaded will post to the site without delay or review, and you will be able to post comments on your own and other members' photos.

We know the Content Moderation phase is cumbersome and probably frustrating, but we do things this way to help keep Photo Friday an enjoyable place for all!

Being in Content Moderation means you're not getting the full experience, and we want you to enjoy everything Photo Friday offers!

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Member-contributed content copyright its creator.