Please hold

Due to the tornado that impacted Houston and our neighborhood, we’ve been without power and only sporadic phone access since Thursday around 6 pm. I have posts for every day, and will back-date them when I can. We’re fine and the weather is wonderfully cool as of Saturday morning, so the lack of A/C doesn’t have its usual impact. Thanks for checking on us! I hope our Houston friends are doing okay.

Hump Day Vexation

Had I known, when this day began, that it would be a lot of “hurry up and wait,” a lot of “herding cats,” and a lot of other things that seemed particularly designed to vex a person who was trying to get through an eighteen-hour day on five hours of sleep, I’d have taken this book with me.

I read Michael Thomas Ford’s novel Suicide Notes in the spring of 2019, but I want to read it again for a great reason (other than that it was a very good novel in the first place). MTF has written the sequel, which I’ve eagerly anticipated. Before I read it, I want to refresh my memory with a visit back to that world and its inhabitants.

I’d have loved to have either of the novels with me today, and by the time things settled down, my brain was too exhausted to read anything. Certainly something to look forward to, along with more serene days ahead.

Tiny Tuesday!

nickel provided to show scale of small canvas

Mountain Man, acrylic on canvas, 2023/24

Another of my tiny bottle cap paintings. This cap is from the Wasatch Brewing Company and features the state shape of Utah. It’s the only one I have, likely given to me by David and/or Geri.

Today’s my brother David’s birthday. He has spent many decades of his life hiking, climbing, camping, and living among the mountain ranges of Colorado, Utah, and Nevada.

Happy birthday, David! Much love from all the humans and canines at Houndstooth Hall. Come see us–there’s always a brew in the fridge for you. (And birthday cake. Banana pudding. Or all of the above. Maybe not at the same time.)

Mindful Monday

“Be free.
Do stupid things.
Make ridiculous mistakes.
Mortifying yourself gives others the encouragement to do the same.
Remember, poor choices often make the best stories.”

Coloring page and quote from Jenny Lawson,
You Are Here: An Owner’s Manual for Dangerous Minds

Oh, the things I thought about as I colored this page. I remember how I used to declare, “No regrets. My bad decisions and wrong directions got me to where I am.” Now I can acknowledge that I have some regrets. It’s okay. They show I lived. Would I change things? I might change how I reacted to some things. Mostly, though, I’d change the ways I punish myself, castigate myself, for simply being human.

Button Sunday

Whatever role you took as a nurturer, or whoever nurtured you…
Whatever path got you to the ones who needed you, or who were there when you needed them…
I celebrate you and your shared bond.

Last Thanksgiving, my mother-in-law sent us all a coloring page she created and titled “Fruit Salad.” She knows I enjoy coloring the drawings she shares, so I colored this one to celebrate her on Mother’s Day.

Saturday with thoughts

Rewriting a good chapter that needs to be better. Thinking in between revising. Coloring when I think. Coloring something that has nothing to do with these characters. I’ve had fun coloring these simple pieces because of that publication on the bottom right.
Is it a tourist guide? A novel? Self-help? I kept trying to complete the title, and here are a few I came up with:

Lions In The Wild
Lice Infesting The Wicked
Lie In The Wisteria
Life In The Winnebago
Limeade In The Wineglass
Living In The Wind

All very fine, but not my winning title, which is Liars In Thorp, Wisconsin.

Wikipedia tells me: Thorp is a city in Clark County in the U.S. state of Wisconsin. The population was 1,621 at the 2010 census. Thorp is located partially within the Town of Thorp and partially within the Town of Withee. It is located between Eau Claire and Wausau. Thorp is known for some of its popular attractions, which include: Marieke Gouda Holland’s Family Cheese, Thorp Aquatic Center, and Thorp Area Historical Society & Telephone Museum.

If that isn’t the perfect location–a town formed of two towns?–for a cozy mystery involving the murder of a newcomer running for town council, I don’t know what is. Feel free to steal the idea and write a book. Don’t forget to stock up on things that can distract you.

The coloring page came from this, another of my favorite coloring books. I used colored pencils and various kinds of gel pens and markers.

J’aime la France

Oh, a hundred years ago, or thirty-something, I created a character and made him French. I think because I wanted to use the surname of my college French teacher who’d taught me a few years before. Her class was when I got those two books. (There’s a third book, but I must have stuck it somewhere else.)

This is my experience with other languages.

I had six weeks of German in tenth grade before I was moved to another school, where German wasn’t taught. It didn’t matter. I was born in Germany, but my only real interest in taking the class was because Lynne and other friends did, and I wanted to take classes with my friends. Didn’t we all?

I’m not sure which year of high school, junior or senior, I took at least one semester of Spanish. It was, as I recall, the only option for a foreign language in that school. In hindsight, learning Spanish would have been a great choice, and I did very much like the teacher, but here’s my problem with language classes. I was never one of the students who volunteered answers in ANY class. I never asked questions. I couldn’t stand to draw attention to myself. Giving any kind of oral report (even book reports, though I always read and loved reading) or reading anything out loud: absolute torture for me. Being called on for an answer? I usually pretended I didn’t know so the focus would quickly shift elsewhere.

So speaking aloud in a class using a language I was trying to learn? You might as well have escorted me to the guillotine.

ETA: Look! When I went to return the other two books to my reference shelves, I found this very thin volume (24 pages, which means a mere 12 pieces of paper) tucked among some other books. I took pronunciation seriously! Now, I can hear native French speakers teach me pronunciations online. Students these days have no idea…

Over the years, I’ve taught junior high and college students. I’ve read out loud to students. I’ve presented work-related seminars in several companies where I was employed. I’ve given talks at retreats, moderated discussions among small groups of people on various topics, and led guided meditations. I’ve spoken at book signings where my novels were being sold. I’ve done all that, but inside, I’m still the girl who didn’t want all eyes on her. And I STILL will almost never speak any of the phrases/words I know in any foreign language because I’m so uncomfortable about possibly bungling pronunciations.

And yet I love the country and the language. I don’t know a lot of French history, but I’ve done research on specific topics because… I still have that same character taking up real estate in my brain, and he, and France as a setting, play larger roles than they once did in his initial appearance in my fictitious world.

I have friends who speak French. Friends who love France. One acquaintance who is French, French-born, probably living in France again. I know when the time comes, there are people who can beta check what I’ve written, and who can make sure the online translator I’ve used when my characters (infrequently) speak French has done right by me.

Something that amuses me: I borrowed my character’s first name from a novel set in France that I read decades ago. (I liked him so much that I’d have fallen in love with him, too, just as the female character did, yet my character who bears the name isn’t a romantic lead in my series.) People I know who are familiar with the Spanish version of his name have questioned me, but I’m correctly using the French spelling. His name is the only thing I borrowed from that novel.

In addition, for the past few years, I’ve read a mystery series set in France, and I’ve tried very hard to use NOTHING from those books. (I recently realized that although I’ve bought and downloaded them, I’m two novels and one short-story-collection behind in this series. I need to spend more time reading.) I’ve met the author at book-signings and seen his online discussions of book releases during lockdown, and somewhere along the way, I was lucky enough to glean one bit of true information from him on international relations that vastly helped my plot. But other than that, my France and my French characters are all mine (with help from Google and Wikipedia), and all inaccuracies or unlikelihoods rest squarely on my shoulders (let the researcher beware…).

Though my writing brain right now is firmly in the U.S. because of the section I’m laboring over in the Neverending Saga, France is never far… And I’ve already chosen my next coloring page when the right character returns to getting page time.

Vive la République!

Tiny Tuesday!

I’m not sure what possessed me to put not one, not two, but THREE Aries characters in the Neverending Saga. I guess because I well understand the Aries nature and its range of manifestations. In my experience, Aries + Aries either tend to attract or repel–there’s no middle ground. With my characters, one is on the cusp of Taurus, one shares my birthday, and one falls only a few days after my birthday. Those last two repel each other. The Aries/Taurus character has a mostly good relationship with both of them.

That wee painting (above) uses a Shiner Wicked Ram IPA bottle cap. I’ve only ever had one of those come to me, and naturally, I held on to it because: Aries. I would really enjoy creating some more bottle cap art (and continue to accept bottle caps if you have them). On future Tiny Tuesday posts, I’ll share some of my bottle caps that haven’t made it into art yet, and maybe even some more bottle cap art I’ve done. To get a better sense of how wee the one above is, here it is with a bit more of the wall art in the writing sanctuary.