Photo Friday, No. 796

Current Photo Friday theme: Identity

I had so many questions as a child. How did he get away with it? The booth was GLASS. No one saw? No one noticed a man wearing glasses and a suit going into the booth and exiting a caped hero? Where did his clothes go?

Maybe I understand it better now. Heroes walk unseen among us every day; nonetheless, they change the world.

Today was Take Your Action Figure To Work Day. This guy kept me company while I wrote.

6 thoughts on “Photo Friday, No. 796”

  1. If Superman can fly around the Earth fast enough to invoke Time Travel, that’s how fast he can change clothes, make out and clean up when the deed is done all inside a public glass phone booth seemingly to the rest of us mortals, instantly. And, no technology on Earth can ever be fast enough to physically record those events.

    Actually, despite the moniker, as a child, I always thought Superman was actually genderless until giving up superpowers for a proper one night stand only to go back to being a superhero anyway, and having heroes bust gender/minority/orientation/disability/race stereotypes and boundaries, that just makes them better for the greater good to show everyone what is possible and is certainly welcomed.

      1. I don’t know if you mean my entry or his comment, but either way, if you love something, I’m happy, and are you planning to see The Batman? Because Tom and I went through all the movies, and I clearly have seen nothing but snippets of any that didn’t feature Michael Keaton, as he remains my Batman much as Christopher Reeve remains my Superman (though honestly, I’m surprised I didn’t check out the George Clooney movies, because I like him). It’s really no reflection on any of the actors or the movies; the DC and Marvel franchises have never been my thing.

        This new film is tempting, though, perhaps because I sense a Michael Keaton-like darkness to it.

    1. You’d think a child who kept killing off her dolls in highly dramatic stories and then picking them up, changing their clothes, and putting them in another story would have understood, but time travel just wasn’t part of what I was doing. I didn’t watch enough science fiction on TV, I think.

      On the gender issue, you were well ahead of your time.

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